Yeni Nesil Lambri Duvar Paneli Fırtına Gri 60*60 cm
Yeni Nesil Lambri Duvar Paneli Fırtına Gri 60*60 cm
Yeni Nesil Lambri Duvar Paneli Fırtına Gri 60*60 cm
Yeni Nesil Lambri Duvar Paneli Fırtına Gri 60*60 cm
Yeni Nesil Lambri Duvar Paneli Meşe 60*60 cm

New Generation Wall Panel Storm Gray 60*60 cm (AKS6060-9FG)

Brand : Dekonil
Price : $31.11
Stock Amount : 200

Kargo ücreti "ALICI ÖDER" olarak gönderilecektir.

Our price is valid for 1 piece.

60 cm


Artır Azalt

New Generation Wall Panel
The Dekonil wall panel has a width of 60 cm and a length of 60 cm. The price listed on our website is for one piece.

Features of the New Generation Wall Panel

  • Width: 60 cm
  • Length: 60 cm
  • Thickness: 3 mm Felt, 6 mm MDF (Total 9 mm Thickness)

What Does the New Generation Wall Panel Do?

Thanks to the felt layer on its surface, the New Generation wall panel minimizes sound waves and echo in the environment. When installed with the right layout, it provides effective results and allows for aesthetically pleasing designs. It can be used for decorative purposes in many areas such as behind TV units, bedrooms, hallways, or office spaces. However, the New Generation wall panel does not enhance insulation on the other side of the wall or ceiling, nor does it block sound transmission.

How to Apply the New Generation Wall Panel?

Our New Generation wall panels can be attached using silicone-like adhesives or screwed in through the felt section. Another advantage is that they are flexible and bendable. This makes it easy to install them on uneven walls, irregularly shaped columns, or oval surfaces without needing precise measurements. If you have misshaped columns or walls, you can decorate them with the New Generation wall panel to hide any imperfections and improve their appearance.

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