Poliüretan Plaster Boyanabilir Sütun Takım 30cm
Poliüretan Plaster Boyanabilir Sütun Takım 30cm

Polyurethane Plaster Paintable Column Set 30cm (SP30-E)

Brand : Dekonil
Price : $366.06
Stock Amount : 20


Artır Azalt

Polyurethane Paintable Plaster Column Set

The raw material of our decorative columns is polyurethane and has paintable properties. Its total length is 3.23 meters, including the head and foot. We have options that you can use in historical building restorations, buildings, wedding halls, restaurant entrances and many other places.

Polyurethane Column; Polyurethane Column Head, Polyurethane Column Foot

Sütün Ölçüsü: 240 cm Eni: 30 cm

Sütun Başlık Ölçüsü: Yükseklik : 20 cm Üst Genişlik : 47cm  Alt Genişlik 30cm

Sütun Ayak Ölçüsü: Yükseklik : 22 cm Üst Genişlik : 40cm  Alt Genişlik 47cm

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