Strip Plexi Adhesive Silver Mirror 1 cm
Strip Plexi Adhesive Silver Mirror 1 cm
Strip Plexiglass Adhesive Gold Mirror 244cm
Şerit Pleksi Yapışkanlı Gümüş Ayna 122cm
Strip Plexiglass Adhesive Gold Mirror 244cm

Strip Plexi Adhesive Silver Mirror 1 cm (DAP-G1)

Brand : Dekonil
Price : $5.28
Stock Amount : 973


Artır Azalt

Strip Plexi Adhesive Mirror

It fits perfectly into the interior of our 12 cm MDF paneling.

Plexi Strip Size:

Thickness: 1mm

Width: 1cm

Length: 244cm

Strip Plexi Mirror Features

Our product is flexible, does not crack or break, is self-adhesive. It can be broken and cut after making a mark with a utility knife. You can easily apply it with the protective gelatin on the front and the double-sided adhesive tape on the back.

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